Saturday, October 5, 2013

Coach class

We have quite a treat in Hamilton this weekend with a group of classic four-horse drawn coaches in town for North Shore Coaching Weekend. Dan and I checked them out yesterday (it was a bit rainier than forecast; sure made us appreciate our modern cars with heat — and roofs). The horses, carriages and riders were all quite striking trotting down the grassy paths at Appleton Farms. It's a shame it was raining, but it was a gorgeous sight anyway. A little later we watched the carriages parade down Bay Road in Hamilton. They looked quite natural in the rustic country setting of Appleton Farms, but they a bit looked anachronistic clippity-clopping on asphalt and past modern stop signs with automobiles on the road.

And right out of central casting ... the photos below just shows that if you put a top hat or bowler hat on anyone they are immediately transported to another age and time. The ladies and gents looked quite dapper, even in the rain.

The Coaching Weekend continues Saturday (with a drive to Bradley Palmer State Park) and Sunday (featuring a stint on our own street and a final stop at Myopia for the weekly polo match).

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