Sunday, December 1, 2013

Momofuku's Crack pie

I've been wanting to make crack pie for years and I finally baked one for Thanksgiving. I first heard of it when I saw Anderson Cooper rave about it in a TV interview (I'm sure he was on a sugar high at the time), and besides that, the name is intriguing and fun. Don't worry, the pie's name is supposedly based on its addictive quality, not any ingredients used to make it. The recipe comes from Momofuku Milk Bar in NYC, and they sell a whole pie for $44. dollars (yikes!). Luckily the recipe was published in Bon Appetit mag. as well as several websites, and the ingredients to make it only add up to a mere $5 dollars.

So what does crack pie taste like? One of my favorite sweet treats is that part of making chocolate chip cookies when you blend the brown sugar and butter together. Two ingredients, nirvana. Well that's what this pie tastes like. Be warned though, that although there are healthy oats in the pie, it also has two whole sticks of butter. Making the pie is an interesting two-step process where you bake a mix of brown sugar, oats and butter in a big sheet pan like a giant oat cookie, then crumble that up to make the pie crust. Then more brown sugar, butter and eggs are mixed for the filling. Bake and the pie comes out all oozy, gooey and ridiculously good.

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