Thursday, December 8, 2011

Prince charming

Est-ce vous, mon prince? Vous vous ĂȘtes bien fait attendre.
(Is it you, my prince? You have done well to wait. )
—Sleeping Beauty

Thankfully I found my prince charming years ago! Here it is December and while I was out sauntering in the yard I noticed a little frog hanging out in our other pond—the waterfall pond. The foliage is from a variegated (Emerald 'N' Gold) euonymus shrub (Euonymus Fortunei), the leaves of which turn a pinkish copper hue during the colder months. The colors in this photo remind me of a renaissance painting--dark, mysterious, and aged by time. Oh, and apparently P.C. and other frogs like him survive the winters by hibernating.

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