Thursday, September 22, 2011

Italy: Positano

This is our early sunrise view from our hotel on the sunny coast of Positano. We got here by train and very winding roads (thanks to a hired driver) along dizzying, perilously steep cliffs and then headed straight down to the beach for a much needed relaxing afternoon. This entailed walking down many, many, many steps (phew!) but it was worth it. For the record we walked a winding road back up to our hotel, not the straight steep path. Along the way up we bought local wine, fruit, cheese, meats, olives and bread, and had an evening picnic under the stars on our hotel's rooftop deck. Priceless!

Here's the opposite view, looking back at the town from our boat cruise of the Amalfi Coast; our hotel (Casa Albertina) is the red one just to the left and a bit up from the center of the photo:

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