Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sole en papillote avec des tomates et des olive

...also known as sole in parchment with tomatoes and olives. This quick cooking method uses the steam of sealed parchment paper and results in moist and delicately cooked fish every time. The addition of a few red pepper flakes makes this fish piquant in a capricious sort of way. On a piece of parchment paper, combine sole (or flounder) with a combination of bold Mediterranean flavors... tomatoes (I roast them first), kalamata olives, thinly sliced garlic, lemon juice and zest, olive oil, thyme, and a dash of the aforementioned red pepper flakes. You can add a splash of vermouth or white wine, and sometimes I add capers too. Wrap and fold the parchment around the fish mélange and pop the package into a 425°F oven. In just 10 minutes the hot steam that forms cooks the fish to absolute perfection.

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