Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Northwood #2

With today being the last full day of summer, it is time to end our weekly Saturday Sippers feature. We might slip one in here or there, but don't count on the weekly appearances... until next summer anyway!

There's something about maple syrup that conjures up cold autumn mornings and flapjacks or baked acorn squash with sweet maple syrup drizzled on top, and so we wanted to choose a libation with maple syrup. The Northwood #2 drink is from the pages of Bon Appetit Magazine. It's an excellent drink, tested out severl times over the past few years, but it makes us very curious about the Northwood #1!


2 oz. gold rum
1 oz. brandy
1 1/2 tablespoons apple cider
1 teaspoon pure maple syrup 
3/4 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
ice cubes
2 thinly sliced apple halves

Combine first 5 ingredients in cocktail shaker; fill with ice. Cover and shake vigorously until frosty cold. Strain into 2 coupe or martini glasses. Garnish with apple slice.

Makes two mapley drinks!

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