Monday, June 9, 2014

Grilled honey-chili-lime shrimp + charred corn salad

Nothing like eating outside on those long, languid days in June when the daylight hours last until the bats come out. And of course we're firing up the grill for our dinner these days! Over the weekend we had this meal of succulent grilled shrimp and a charred corn, tomato and avocado salad. 

The secret to these shrimp that Dan cooked to perfection?… don't overcook them or they will dry out! All I did was drizzle some olive on the shrimp before he did his magic. After they came off the grill I drizzed over a simple mix of three ingredients, fresh lime juice (and zest), honey and Sriracha chili paste—about a tablespoon of each mixed up and shaken in an old bottle. I also added some salt and pepper.

The corn salad was easy too, and so sweet and fresh tasting. I cut off the cooked corn from 2 cobs, leftover from dinner the night before, but it might be easier to grill the cob and cut the kernel off afterwards. I chopped a tomato to get a little char on those too. 

Then I mixed the charred corn and tomatoes with diced purple onion and avocado. The dressing for this was a little of that chili lime honey dressing, then I garnished with fresh thyme, chives, and chive blossoms from the garden. 

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