Green Wheat Fields, Auvers
I'm extremely excited to see the
Van Gogh and Nature show at the Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, MA. I'm an unabashed Vincent Van Gogh fan, and I've visited Arles and Saint Rémy, two of his favorite painting spots in Provence, and been lucky enough to experience that amazing Provençal light that he loved so much. The painting above is one of my favorites because I find those green and blue swirling colors in the field absolutely delicious. Its home is usually at the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C, so I'm thrilled to be able to see it up close and in person. The show runs from June 14 to September 13.
Of Arles, Van Gogh wrote:
“I find nature here is almighty beautiful.”
A Wheatfield with Cypresses
This is another Van Gogh favorite of mine.
This painting usually lives at the National Gallery in London.